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A step-by-step process that guides users through a series of tasks or decisions


If possible, the first step of a form should explain how many steps will follow. Each step should inform the user about the progress they are making.

  1. Add “(Step [current number] of [total)” to <title> element (for example, Step 2 of 4: Shipping Address – Complete Purchase – Shop)
  2. Add “(Step [current number] of [total)” next to the Page/Step main heading (for example “Shipping Address (Step 2 of 4)”)
  3. Use the correct semantic heading level for the stepper.
  4. Use the landmark role navigation (role=navigation) must be assigned to the component.
  5. Use the aria-label=“progress” for the stepper component to provide helpful context to screen readers
  6. Use visually hidden text make the completion status of each step explicit. (Completed / In progress / Not started)
  7. Mark the currently active step with aria-current="step".
  8. For icon indicators without labels - additional descriptive information can be included via a tooltip. Both tooltip and tooltipText must be included to ensure that each step has an accessible name.

    • a. Hide unlabeled segments. There is no content inside the segments when labels aren’t used, so it is safe to add aria-hidden="true" to the element
  9. The progress lines connecting the steps are pure aesthetic and don’t need attributes.
  10. Keyboard shortcuts:
  • a. Shift + Tab = Focuses previous link
  • b. Tab = Focuses next link
  • c. Home = Focuses first link
  • d. End = Focuses last link
  • e. Space / Enter = Activates the currently focused link
Last updated November 29, 2024.