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Switches are used to toggle functionality.


  • A switch must have a visible label that clearly conveys what option a user will turn on or off.


Element Property Color
Toggle White White
Label Gray 8 Gray 2
Default/On Background Blue Light Dark Mode Blue
Default/Off Background Gray 4 Gray 4
Focused/On Background Trimble Blue Dark Mode Blue
Focused/Off Background Gray 4 Gray 4
Border Blue Light Dark Mode Blue
Hover/On Background Trimble Blue Dark Mode Blue
Hover/Off Background Gray 4 Gray 4
Border Blue Light Dark Mode Blue
Disabled/On Background (30%) Trimble Blue Dark Mode Blue
Disabled/Off Background (30%) Gray 4 Gray 4


  • Avoid changing the label text based on on and off state.
Do use the same label text for both the on and off state. Don't change label text between states.


  • Avoid acronyms.
  • Use 2-5 words.
  • Use the same label text for on and off states