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Modal dialogs interrupt workflows and require user interaction.


Modals Specifications

Note: In-cab size only. See mobile patterns (coming soon) for smaller options if required.

Dialogs consist of the following elements:

  • Header, a brief title.
  • Content area, which provides instructions.
  • Page overlay, which partially blocks out the underlying page to focus attention on the modal content.
  • Controls, which are usually  Buttons placed on the bottom right side of the modal header. A dialog should always include a single Primary button. Primary button is often paired with an Outline or Text Only button. Primary button, representing the desired user action, should always appear to the right of other buttons.
  • Close icon button, which closes the dialog and cancels user action. Always include a close icon button on a modal. It should display in the top right corner.


  • Dialogs are usually activated by user actions (such as activating a button) but may also be the result of a timed event (such as a session timeout warning) or other events.
  • Dialogs can only be closed by either choosing an action represented by a button (e.g., Save or Cancel) or by clicking the Close icon. They cannot be dismissed by clicking outside of the modal.
  • Once a dialog reaches its maximum height, the header will remain fixed and content will scroll within the container. Scrolling within a modal should be discouraged: avoid extensive copy or many elements.
  • Dialogs are centered horizontally and vertically in the viewport.


  • Use title case for titles, unless the title is phrased as a question (e.g. Are you sure want to continue?). Use sentence case for questions.
  • Titles should clearly describe what’s inside the modal and the action required.
  • Consider using words from the context of the page that launched the modal.
  • Content can scroll in the modal, if necessary. Avoid long copy in modals.
Last updated December 6, 2022.